For over 30 years, Jumbo Auction House has been dedicated to curating collections of unique works of art for art lovers, decorators, novice collectors and fellow experts alike.

We host 2-3 auctions every month, featuring collections from prominent estates, both domestic and international private collectors, including important jade, bronze, cinnabar lacquer, framed and scroll paintings, jewelry, soapstone, hardwood tables and chairs, furniture, stamps, snuff bottles, guanyin and buddha statues, porcelain vases and jars, carvings, coins and much more!

Jumbo Auction House is a Los Angeles County based, family owned and operated boutique auction house, specializing in Asian arts and antiques.

Jumbo Auction House is a Los Angeles County based, AAPI family owned and operated boutique auction house, specializing in Asian arts and antiques.

Over the years, the auction house has expanded into other categories such as Fine Art, Furniture, Contemporary Art, Antiquities, European & American Decorative Arts, Jewelry & Timepieces, Luxury Goods, and much more!

Over the years, the auction house has expanded into other categories such as Fine Art, Furniture, Contemporary Art, Antiquities, European & American Decorative Arts, Jewelry & Timepieces, Luxury Goods, and much more!

Ming: A Pair of HuangHuaLi Chairs. Length: 57.5cm Width: 44.5cm Height: 92cm  此對官帽椅造型舒展,氣度雍容,風格雋永,為精心設計之佳作,沒有過多裝飾,但並不因製作簡單而使人感到乏味,相反卻予人雋永大方的感覺,由上等的黃花梨木製成,其質地堅實,木質色澤紅潤,細膩滑潤,品質卓越。此對椅座面較寬,三彎靠背板光素無紋,僅鏤空雕刻如意云頭狀修飾,盡顯木頭自然紋理,用材考究,搭腦兩端微微上仰,枕部有力,弧線優美,扶手三彎,使得整器

You can find a piece of furniture, decoration, or jewelry to join your collection or sell with us!